


New and Unique

The Brand
Zydus Cadila is a fully integrated, global healthcare provider, with strengths all along the pharmaceutical value chain. With a core competence in the field of healthcare, Zydus Cadila provides total healthcare solutions ranging from formulations, active pharmaceutical ingredients and animal healthcare products to wellness products.
Problem Statement
Nucxoia D3 is the new product offered by zydus. Nucxoia helps in the treatment of unspecified and vague body pain. The solution provided by the Nucxoia very unique and it is first introduced in india. The product launch was expected to gather attention of lot of Indians.
Identified Objectives
Informative Posts

Awareness about unspecified and vague pain is very low. So, informative posts were introduced in the social media pages. This posts were mainly addressing doctors. So, this way nuxcoia D3 presence can spread among audience.


A website was designed focusing on the product nuxcoia D3. This website has all the knowledge relating to unspecified and vague pains. It also included nuxcoia unique points. Everything in the website is designed such a way that is easy for the viewer and also, zydus can sell the main objective.

Social Media Platforms

Online awareness was increased through effectively managing social media fronts like facebook and instagram. Also, sunSTRATEGIC measured the reach of these pages.

Motivational Posts

To add more human touch to the product, motivational posts were given this social media platforms.

sunSTRATEGIC has given Nuxcoia D3 social makeover and it is reflected in the increased no. of engagement with the fans. Also, with the followers sharing our content on other social platforms, it gives the company a wider viewership. Our creative team comes up with the posts, day in day out, by a collaborative effort between the content writers and the designers. We are also, keeping constant watch over the management of the online reputation. We do this by checking on a daily basis, by studying their online performance on various social media platforms and tabulating the information to give Nuxcoia D3 a professional statistical analysis.